Introduction to the BrewOps System


This article describes how the system operates in general, and the overall system architecture. We have designed the platform for simplicity and ease of use, built upon a base of easy and fast to install brewery focused sensors.

The BrewOps System Architecture is Organized by:

1. Breweries - Act as individual locations that operate independently from other breweries. You can create as many as you like, and you can be invited into other breweries as brewers or guests.

2. Equipment - Digital representations of the physical equipment or processes in your brewery. Additional equipment will be added over time, and by popular request from brewers like you.

3. Sensors - Rugged, easy and fast to install sensors designed exclusively for breweries. BrewOps sensors are designed for specific application uses, example the BrewOps Purge for purging brite tanks of O2, or purging fermenters of CO2 prior to CIP. Alternatively, some sensors can be used in multiple applications, example the BrewOps Temp can be used to measure process temperature throughout the brew process.