Introduction to Permissions


This article describes how the user permissions are presently defined. We have tried to keep things simple, while serving the broad community as a whole. We know that there will be certain cases where the current structure may not fit your particular brewery, and are open to feedback and continuous improvement suggestions.

As of now the permission structure is based on a typical owner/operators/viewers setup where the owner can do everything, operator can do most things, and viewers can only observe.

The BrewOps User Permissions are Defined as:

1. Brewmasters are considered the “owner” of the brewery, and are essentially super admins who can manage and see everything. As of now, only one Brewmaster is allowed per brewery to keep things simple. Only Brewmasters can invite and remove “Brewers” and “Guests” which are the remaining two permission types. An unlimited amount of Brewers and Guests can be added to each brewery.

2. Brewers can do everything that a Brewmaster can, except for inviting or removing Brewers and Guests. Brewer users typically consist of all staff members that work in the brewery in operational or maintenance roles.

3. Guests can view equipment data, trend, and alerts. We created the guest permission category to allow 3rd party service providers read-only access into your brewery, or for brewers from neighboring breweries that you would like to share insights with.